Graduate Certificate in Leadership

The Graduate Certificate in Leadership is a 9-credit executive leadership program designed to enhance your leadership through the application of research-based principles to your organizational context. The courses are offered online and on the ground at the PBA campus. Learners will explore foundational leadership concepts to improve their management and people skills. Topics include the essentials of group formation and behavior, relationship-building, motivation, group decision-making, conflict management, and the impact of biblical leadership themes on the contemporary organizational challenges of leading in a pluralistic culture.


EOB 5013 Organizational Leadership Concepts & Theory
Summer A Term

This course provides a foundational exploration of organizational leadership studies including definitions, theory, concepts, and practices. Students will examine the history of leadership thought and understand how leadership theory has evolved over time. Students will synthesize key concepts of effective leadership that enhance the organization while assessing the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary leadership theory. Students will enhance their academic writing by applying their research to synthesize logical arguments through critical thinking and writing expected at the graduate level.

EOB 5003 Organizational Behavior
Summer B Term

This course draws on insights from theory and practice to better understand how beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors of individuals affect the organization. The psychological foundations of group formation and interdependent relationship-building will be explored. Theories of individual beliefs and motivation, group decision-making, conflict management, group formation and behavior will be explored. Students will apply related psychological theories to synthesize arguments and further their graduate level research.

BEOB 6013 Biblical Leadership in Pluralistic Organizations
Fall A Term

This interdisciplinary course explores biblical texts to discover issues related to current organizational theory and practice with a view toward understanding leadership in various modern pluralistic contexts. Attention will be given to biblical metaphors and themes that will help shape a better understanding of contemporary organizational challenges involving individuals that hold to differing worldviews and philosophies of life.

For more information, please email Dr. Dawn Barbee at